Republic of the Marshall Islands
Explore our website and discover all that the Marshall Islands has to offer
We're thrilled to announce that our website is undergoing renovations to bring you the most up-to-date information about the beautiful Marshall Islands. In the meantime, you may encounter some outdated content. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience.. Stay tuned for a fresh, informative website that will help you plan your dream Marshall Islands adventure!
Iokwe & Welcome!
Registration is NOW Open for the
Ao Kapijuknen -
Tourism Business Workshop
Wednesday, March 23- Friday, March 24
9 A.M.- 5 P.M.
Lomalo Room, MIR
Registration Deadline:
March 22, 2022 by 5 P.M.
This training is OPEN to all entrepreneurs interested in starting or expanding a business in tourism. This special training workshop will focus on building important skills and knowledge on how to start and develop a business in tourism focusing on marketing and promotion, sales and pricing and customer service. It will also provide an opportunity to share experience and create stronger partnerships for this growing industry!
PLEASE CONTACT OCIT's Marketing & PR Officer at or call 625-4624. Kommol Tata.